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dc.creatorJevtić, Miroljub S.
dc.description.abstractIn this article author analyzed basic causes for presence of Al-Quaide terrorist network members in the region of former Yugoslavia, since 1990's up to date, especially on territory of Bosnia, Kosmet, Macedonia and Albania. This presence has been connected and intentionally directed as a way of directing focus of attention of Islamic world apart from Israel-Arab conflict in the Middle. It was ideologically and with help of media presented as an obvious proof of "American affinity toward Islamic world" and it also shifted focus of the terrorist attacks on USA to other regions in the world. By these ideologically founded goals and plans for provoking a moved regional instability, many unnecessary but statistically and factually numerously verified conflicts and wars in the region of former Yugoslavia could be explained. In the end of the article, the author pleaded for closer cooperation of Serbia with legitimate governments of Arabic and other Muslim states who are themselves imperiled by extremism of Al-Quaide, which encouraged by a leading superpower, has been spreading its activity to whole world, even to targets in the states of their Balkan sponsors and protectors in the USA and other Western states.en
dc.description.abstractU ovom članku autor razmatra suštinske uzroke pojave pripadnika terorističke mreže Al Kaida na prostorima Balkana, od devedesetih godina do danas, posebno u Bosni, na Kosmetu, Makedoniji i Albaniji. To prisustvo je povezano i smišljeno usmereno kao oblik odvraćanja pažnje islamskog sveta u izraelsko-arapskom sukobu na Bliskom istoku, a ideološki i medijski instrumentalizovano kao vidljiv dokaz "američkih simpatija za islamski svet" i prenošenje teži-šta terorističkih udara sa SAD na druga područja sveta, u ovom slučaju Balkana. Takvim ideološki utemeljenim ciljevima i planovima izazivanja izmeštenih regionalnih nestabilnosti, objašnjavaju se umnogome nepotrebni sukobi i ratovi na tlu bivše Jugoslavije, o čijim manifestacijama se daju brojni podaci i činjenice. Autor se na kraju zalaže za tešnju saradnju Srbije sa legitimnim vladama arapskih i drugih muslimanskih država, koje su i same ugrožene ekstremizmom Al Kaide, koja na podsticaje vodeće supersile širi polje svog delovanja na ceo svet, pa i na ciljeve u državama svojih " balkanskih sponzora i zaštitnika" u SAD i drugim zemljama Zapada.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za političke studije, Beograd
dc.sourceSrpska politička misao
dc.subjectworld of Islamen
dc.subjectpolitical strategy of the USAen
dc.subjectregional crisisen
dc.subjectmoved conflictsen
dc.subjectAl Kaidasr
dc.subjectsvet islamasr
dc.subjectpolitička strategija SADsr
dc.subjectregionalne krizesr
dc.subjectizmeštanje konflikatasr
dc.titleIdeološke osnove prisustva Al kaide na prostorima bivše Jugoslavijesr
dc.citation.other(3-4): 63-74



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