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Наставничке перцепције школског неуспеха-вреди ли се трудити око неуспешних ученика?

dc.creatorMalinić, Dušica
dc.creatorDžinović, Vladimir
dc.creatorJakšić, Ivana M.
dc.description.abstractU radu se bavimo uverenjima nastavnika o školskom neuspehu i njihovom percepcijom aktivnosti koje preduzimaju u radu sa neuspešnim učenicima. Teorijsko utemeljenje rada čine stanovišta o tome da postoji veza između nastavničkih uverenja i njihovih svakodnevnih nastavnih praksi. Cilj rada bio je da se ispitaju: 1) nastavnička uverenja o prirodi školskog neuspeha, osobinama neuspešnih učenika i adekvatnosti dopunske nastave i grupnog rada u prevazilaženju problema školske neuspešnosti, kao i 2) nastavničke percepcije sopstvene odgovornosti za neuspeh učenika i angažovanosti u pružanju podrške ovim učenicima. Setom parametrijskih statističkih tehnika analizirani su odgovori 1.441 nastavnika osnovne škole na ajteme koji se odnose na školski neuspeh, u okviru upitnika o aktuelnim problemima u školi. Rezultati pokazuju da nastavnici: 1) ispoljavaju optimistična uverenja u pogledu kognitivnih sposobnosti neuspešnih učenika i mogućnosti koje dopunska nastava pruža u radu sa njima; 2) saopštavaju da se dodatno pripremaju za rad sa neuspešnim učenicima i posebno ih podstiču na časovima i veruju da su neuspešni učenici uspešni u vanškolskim aktivnostima; 3) nemaju određen stav o ulozi nastavnika i adekvatnosti grupnog rada u prevazilaženju problema školskog neuspeha. U zaključnim razmatranjima diskutuje se o potrebi detaljnijeg upoznavanja aktivnosti na kojima počivaju nastavnička uverenja o školskom neuspehu i podrška neuspešnim uč
dc.description.abstractWe analyzed the convictions of the teachers about scholastic failure and their perception of the activities they use in work with unsuccessful pupils. The theoretical basis for our research was the belief that there is a connection between the teacher’s convictions and their everyday practices. The aim was to examine: 1) the teachers’ convictions about the nature of academic failure, traits of the failing students, adequacy of after-class sessions and group work in overcoming the problem of academic failure, and 2) the teachers’ perception of their own responsibility and engagement in supporting failing pupils. A set of parametric statistical techniques was used to analyze the responses of 1441 elementary-school teachers to the items related to academic failure in the questionnaire about current school problems. The results show that 1) the teachers have optimistic convictions about cognitive abilities of failing pupils and see after-class sessions as a good opportunity to work with them; they state that 2) they additionally prepare classes for work with failing pupils and stimulate them during regular classes and believe that failing pupils are successful in outdoor activities; 3) they have no definite opinion about the role of the teacher and adequacy of group work in overcoming the problem. The concluding observations stress the need for a detailed analysis of the activities based on the teacher’s convictions about academic failure and support to failing
dc.publisherБеоград : Педагошко друштво Србијеsr
dc.publisherБеоград : Универзитет у Београду - Филозофски факултет - Институт за педагогију и андрагогијуsr
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanjesr
dc.subjectthe teacher’s convictions about academic failuresr
dc.subjectthe teacher’s perceptionssr
dc.subjectfailing pupilssr
dc.subjectthe teacher’s activitiessr
dc.subjectafter-class sessionssr
dc.titleTeachers’ Perceptions of Academic Failure: Is It Worth to Bother About Unsuccessful Pupils?sr
dc.titleНаставничке перцепције школског неуспеха-вреди ли се трудити око неуспешних ученика?sr

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