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Gender-based violence at the intersection of gender and class: historical and contemporary perspectives

dc.creatorBobičić, Nađa
dc.description.abstractU tekstu se analiziraju ključni argumenti ljevičarskofeminističkih pristupa rodno zasnovanom nasilju kao jednom od osnovnih mehanizama održavanja kapita-lističkog sistema. Ova tema pojavljuje se već u radovima klasika marksizma, međutim tek u toku perioda tzv. drugog talasa ona se na specifičan način artikuliše kao zasebna tema u užefeminističkoj perspektivi. U savremenom pristupu teorije socijalne repro-dukcije (TSR), rodno zasnovano nasilje postaje predmet proučavanja uvezan sa drugim aspektima strukturnog nasilja – globalnim, ekološkim, klasnim, rasnim, heteronorma-tivnim.U ovom tekstu, nakon sažete istorije lijevofeminističkih pristupa fenomenu rodno za-snovanog nasilja, akcenat se stavlja na neke od gorućih dilema i izazova pristupa TSR, i to posebno u kontekstu krize izazvane globalnom pandemijom COVID-19. Naime, kriza je učinila nesporno vidljivim da se savremeno kapitalističko društvo zasniva na radu ključnih radnica i radnika, koji trpe višestruko sistemsko nasilje.S tim u vezi, u tekstu se razmatra pitanje kako pomoću TSR prevazići stepen deskripcije problema strukturnog nasilja i teorijski utemeljiti njegovo objašnjenje, koje bi podrazumijevalo i nivo opšte kritike sistema, ali i konkretne nivoe realizacije nasilja. I drugo, koje alate pristup teorije socijalne reprodukcije osmišljava kako bi rodno zasnovano strukturno nasilje moglo biti prevaziđ
dc.description.abstractThe paper analyzes the key arguments in the left-feminist approaches to gender-based violence as one of the main mechanisms underpinning the capitalist system. Already present in the works of classical Marxist thinkers, it was only during the so-called Second Wave period that this theme became articulated as a distinct issue within a more specifically feminist perspective. In the contemporary approach provided by the social reproduction theory (SRT), gender-based violence becomes a research subject intertwined with other aspects of structural violence – global, ecological, class-based, racial, heteronormative.In this paper, a brief history of the left-feminist approaches to the phenomenon of gen-der-based violence is followed by the treatment of some of the burning questions and challenges of the SRT approach, particularly in the context of the crisis caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has made plainly visible that the contemporary capitalist society is based on the labour of essential workers – male and female, exposed to multiple forms of systemic violence. Additionally, the paper analyzes the ways in which SRT can help overcome the stage of mere description of the problem of structural violence and provide a theoretical foundation for its proper analysis; this would include both general criticism of the system, and the treatment of specific instances of violence. Finally, the papers discusses the tools provided by social reproduction theory that can help overcome gender-based
dc.publisherBeograd : Filozofski fakultetsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47021/RS//sr
dc.subjectrodno zasnovano nasiljesr
dc.subjectljevica i feminizamsr
dc.subjectteorija socijalne reprodukcijesr
dc.subjectstrukturno nasiljesr
dc.subjectgender-based violencesr
dc.subjectthe Left and feminismsr
dc.subjectsocial reproduction theorysr
dc.subjectstructural violencesr
dc.titleRodno zasnovano nasilje na presjeku roda i klase: istorijske i savremene perspektivesr
dc.titleGender-based violence at the intersection of gender and class: historical and contemporary perspectivessr



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