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Instrumenti za procenu rizika za sukob sa zakonom kod dece i mladih

dc.creatorHrnčić, Jasna
dc.creatorŽegarac, Nevenka
dc.description.abstractThree instruments for assessment of the risk of children and juveniles for conflict with the law are presented in the paper. Current researches of the risk factors for antisocial behaviour were briefly reviewed as a basis for creating the first instrument, Scale for Assessment of the Risk of Children and Juveniles for Conflict with the Law (Hrncic, Zegarac, Dzamonja Ignjatovic). The Scale includes nine categories: General Characteristics of the Child/Juvenile; Breaking the Rules, Hyperactivity and Aggressiveness of the Child/Juvenile; Antisocial Behaviour of the Child/Juvenile; Substance Abuse of the Child/Juvenile; Relationship of the Parent/Guardian to the Child; Characteristics of Family Members; Characteristics of Peer Group; Stressors, and Social Environment. The second instrument is Scale of Antisocial Behaviour Chronicity Indicators (Hrncic, Zegarac) that provides basis for assessment of four indicators of the chronicity or pervasiveness of conflict with the law of children and adolescents: duration, frequency, seriousness and variety of antisocial behaviour. Finally, Parental Monitoring Questionnaire was presented (Hrncic), designed for assessment of efficiency of parental supervision of the child. .en
dc.description.abstractU radu se prikazuju tri instrumenta namenjena proceni rizika sa sukob sa zakonom kod dece i mladih. Dat je rezime savremenih istraživanja faktora rizika antisocijalnog ponašanja mladih na kojima je zasnovan prvi prikazan instrument, Skala za procenu rizika za sukob sa zakonom kod dece i mladih (Hrnčić, Žegarac, Džamonja-Ignjatović). Kategorije ove Skale su: opšte karakteristike deteta/mlade osobe; kršenje pravila, hiperaktivnost i agresivnost deteta/mlade osobe; antisocijalno ponašanje deteta/mlade osobe; upotreba psihoaktivnih supstanci deteta/mlade osobe; odnos roditelja/staratelja prema detetu; karakteristike članova porodice; karakteristike vršnjačke grupe; stresori, i socijalno okruženje. Drugi instrument procene je Skala indikatora hroniciteta antisocijalnog ponašanja (Hrnčić, Žegarac), koji daje osnov za procenu hroniciteta ili pervarzivnosti sukoba sa zakonom kod dece i mladih na osnovu četiri indikatora: trajanja, učestalosti, težine i raznovrsnosti antisocijalnog ponašanja. Prikazan je Upitnik roditeljskog nadzora (Hrnčić) namenjen proceni efikasnosti nadgledanja deteta od strane roditelja. .sr
dc.publisherInstitut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja
dc.subjectjuvenile delinquencyen
dc.subjectantisocial behaviouren
dc.subjectrisk factorsen
dc.subjectparental monitoringen
dc.subjectmaloletnička delinkvencijasr
dc.subjectantisocijalno ponašanjesr
dc.subjectfaktori rizikasr
dc.titleInstruments for assessment of the risk of children and juveniles for conflict with the lawen
dc.titleInstrumenti za procenu rizika za sukob sa zakonom kod dece i mladihsr
dc.citation.other27(1-2): 281-299



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