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Fundamentalističke hrišćanske zajednice i politika sad prema evroazijskom regionu

dc.creatorJevtić, Miroljub S.
dc.description.abstractIt is the geo-economic approach that dominates the analysis of the problems related to Eurasia, especially of the Palestinian crisis. The geo-economic approach is very important indeed, especially in its consideration of oil. Yet, another approach is of great importance, that of religion. When religion is discussed in the Eurasian context it is Islam that is mostly taken into consideration. Another factor is neglected: the influence of certain Christian communities and movements on the behavior of the US in that region. This was especially evident during the terms of George Bush the Younger. Christian fundamentalist organizations very much influence his policies. They believe that the preservation of Israel is the condition without which the Second Coming of Jesus Christ won't come to pass. According to them, in order for Christ to return, Jews from around the globe must move to Israel, and in order for the Jews to move to Israel it is necessary to ensure peace and prosperity for the state of Israel. Therefore, the followers of that theology demand from the Administration to unconditionally support the survival of Israel. Among them are especially prominent the followers of the teaching of John Nelson Derby (1800-1882). His, and the teachings of similar charismatic religious leaders strongly influenced the election of George Bush to the US Presidency. Therefore the policy of George Bush toward Eurasia, and especially regarding the Middle Eastern conflict has been, to a large extent inspired by such Christian teachings. Iran is an inseparable part of these considerations. This is why the policy of the US toward Iran is based, in many of its aspects, in accordance with the beliefs of the followers of such Christian teachings.en
dc.description.abstractU analiziranju problema vezanih za region Evroazije, a posebno krize oko Palestine, dominiraju geoekonomski pristupi. Geoekonomski pristup je sigurno veoma važan. A posebno nafta. Ali je pored toga važan još jedan drugi - religijski. Kada se govori o religiji na prostoru Evroazije uglavnom se obraća pažnja na islamski faktor. Jedan drugi je zanemaren. To je uticaj određenih hrišćanskih zajednica i pokreta na ponašanje SAD u regionu. To se posebno vidi za vreme vladavine Džordža Buša mlađeg. Na njegovu politiku veoma mnogo utiču fundamentalističke hrišćanske zajednice. One smatraju da je pitanje očuvanja Izraela, uslov, bez koga nema drugog dolaska Isusa Hrista na zemlju. Po njima, da bi Isus došao na zemlju, Jevreji iz čitavog sveta moraju doći da žive u Izrael. A da bi Jevreji došli u Izrael potrebno je osigurati mir i prosperitet u toj državi. Zato sledbenici ove teologije traže od američke administracije da bezuslovno podržava opstanak Izraela. Tu se posebno ističu sledbenici učenja Džona Nelsona Derbija (1800-1882). Učenje Derbija i njemu sličnih harizmatskih verskih vođa znatno je uticalo na dolazak Džordža Buša na vlast. Stoga je politika Džordža Buša prema Evroaziji, a posebno prema bliskoistočnom konfliktu inspirisana velikim delom ovim hrišćanskim učenjima. Iran je neodvojivi deo toga pitanja. Zato je politika SAD prema Iranu u mnogome formirana u skladu sa shvatanjima sledbenika ovih hrišćanskih uč
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Nišu, Niš
dc.subjectChristian fundamentalistsen
dc.subjectMiddle Easten
dc.subjecthrišćanski fundamenetalistisr
dc.subjectBliski istoksr
dc.titleChristian fundamentalists and the US-Eurasian policyen
dc.titleFundamentalističke hrišćanske zajednice i politika sad prema evroazijskom regionusr
dc.citation.other34(1): 265-274



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