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Problemi privatizacije državnih preduzeća u NR Kini

dc.creatorMitrović, Dragana
dc.description.abstractAfter experiencing success in reforming 'rural economy' Chinese reformers shifted their policy target to 'urban economy' in 1984. The basic lever which should had been pushed by this reform was 'awaking' of initiative of the enterprises, as well as of the every individual in production process. The most important basis of 'urban reform', but at the same time, the ideal model of all its' defects of the previous system, as well as the corn of the resistance to the changes, are state industrial enterprises (8.000 giant and medium size enterprises and 85.000 small ones, which gave 70% of total country's industrial product). The main aim of economic reform has been to make every enterprise relatively independent economic unit which takes the responsibility for production's results. Nearly 40% of these enterprises have been producing nothing but losses and their mutual debts worth from 200-300 billion yuan. Shutting them down is crucial economic, political social and ideological question. With the current unemployment of 4% of urban labor force, 'fluctuating population' of rural unemployed of nearly 130 million, serious 'dissatisfaction' of urban population with these, and inflation of 27% in 1984, this problem is emerging as crucial question of 'urban reform' and maybe reform as a whole. In spite of numerous negative cases with selling such unsuccessful enterprises to foreigners and mainland Chinese, it seems to be the only way out of current blockaded situation. Hesitation to make such very decision could have the same negative consequence.en
dc.description.abstractPosle uspešno sprovedene 'reforme na selu' kineski reformatori su od 1984. usredsredili svoju reformsku politiku na 'gradsku reformu'. Osnovna podloga koju je trebalo da pokrene ova reforma je 'buđenje' inicijative kako preduzeća, tako i svakog pojedinca u proizvodnom procesu. Najvažnije uporište 'gradske reforme', ali u isto vreme, i idealni model svih manjkavosti ranijeg sistema, kao i srž otpora promenama, su državna industrijska preduzeća (8.000 gigantskih i srednjih preduzeća i 85.000 malih, koja daju oko 70% ukupne industrijske proizvodnje zemlje). Glavni cilj ekonomske reforme je da načini svako preduzeće relativno nezavisnim privrednim subjektom koji preuzima odgovornost za proizvodne rezultate. Gotovo 40% ovih preduzeća proizvodi samo gubitke, a njihova međusobna dugovanja iznose između 200 i 300 milijardi juana. Njihovo gašenje je krucijalno ekonomsko, političko, socijalno i ideološko pitanje. Sa sadašnjom stopom nezaposlenih od 4% gradske radne snage, 'lutajućom populacijom' koju čine nezaposleni seljaci od gotovo 130 miliona ljudi, inflacijom od 27% u 1984, ozbiljnim 'nezadovoljstvom' gradskog stanovništva svim ovim, ovaj problem se nameće kao ključno pitanje 'gradske reforme' i možda, reforme uopšte. Uprkos brojnim negativnim slučajevima sa prodajom ovakvih neuspešnih preduzeća strancima i domaćim Kinezima, izgleda daje to jedini put iz trenutne pat-pozicije. Oklevanje da se donese upravo ovakva odluka može imati jednake negativne
dc.publisherMinistarstvo finansija Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.titleProblems of privatization of state enterprises in PR Chinaen
dc.titleProblemi privatizacije državnih preduzeća u NR Kinisr
dc.citation.other50(7-8): 480-493



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