Prikaz rezultata 562-581 od 1984

      Ideološke osnove prisustva Al kaide na prostorima bivše Jugoslavije [1]
      Ideološki rad medija [1]
      Ignorance as plurality: Feminist approaches to epistemologies of ignorance [1]
      Igra uveravanja u velikim grupama - ekonomski primeri [1]
      Imigranti i izbeglice: uticaj traumatskih iskustava i pitanja grupnog identiteta Vamik Volkan, Imigranti i izbeglice: traume, dugotrajno žalovanje, predrasude i psihologija granice, Beograd, Clio, 2018 [1]
      Implementation of smart tools in Belgrade's transportation system: lessons from Copenhagen and Madrid [1]
      Implementation of sociodramatic approach in the education of students of social policy and social work [1]
      Implementation of the positive parenting support program of non-governmental organizations in Novi Sad and Belgrade [1]
      Importance of strengthening of the democratic and political capacity in environmental policy of Serbia [1]
      In dollar we (don't) trust: Consequences of reducing the global role of dollar to the American power [1]
      In pursuit of 'twin toleration': democracy and church-state relations in Serbia and Montenegro [1]
      In search for a European identity: The role of cultural, civic and instrumental components in the construction of European identity [1]
      In Search for More: The Importance of Income Inequality in Conflict Formation and Its Policy Implications [1]
      Inclusive role of civil society in the provision of services for disabled persons in the Republic of Serbia [1]
      Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Resources: Why They Can(not) be Justified? [1]
      Inequality - Conflict Research Beyond Neo-Liberal Discourse [1]
      Infliction of competition protection measures and consequently determined violation [1]
      Influence of confessional factors on national economies [1]
      Influence of decisions of some typical international organizations to the development of international law: The case of the United Nations [1]
      Influence of media on children, from the perspective of national child line [1]