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Parlamentarni izbori u Srbiji 2012. godine - rezultati i političke posledice

dc.creatorJovanović, Milan N.
dc.description.abstractThe increase in abstinence and the change in parties in power are the main characteristics of the 2012 elections in Serbia. The coalition gathered around the Democratic Party, the Socialist Party and the G17, which previously had a majority in 2008 elections and formed the government, won slightly fewer votes in the May elections, but this ruling coalition failed to retain power. The change of government was caused by the defeat of the DS (Democratic Party) leader Boris Tadić in the presidential elections. The victory in the presidential elections of Tomislav Nikolić, the leader of the Serbian Progressive Party opened the door to the changes in the relations of the parliamentary parties and the formation of new political alliances. SNS (Serbian Progressive Party) was the winner of the general elections: they defeated the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) by taking over their members, officials and voters; the SNS candidate became the head of state, they formed the government and they are in power in most local governments. The leader of DS, Boris Tadić was the biggest loser in the general elections: after years of dominance on the political scene, he has lost the presidency of the Republic, and the Democrats have become the opposition in Parliament. This defeat cost B. Tadić the leadership of his Democratic Party. The turning point in the formation of the government was enabled by the coalition gathered around the Socialists. Having won 80% more votes than in the previous elections, the Socialists left their 'strategic partner' thus making possible the electoral shift. The transformed Radicals and Socialists, who were political partners in the 1990’s, after twelve years, are in power again.en
dc.description.abstractPovećanje apstinencije i promena stranaka na vlasti, glavne su karakteristike izbora 2012.godine. Koalicije okupljene oko Demokratske stranke, Socijalističke partije i G17, koje su prethodnim izborima 2008.godine imale većinu i formirale vladu, osvojile su neznatno manje glasova na majskim izborima, ali vladajuća koalicija nije zadržala vlast. Promenu vlade uzrokovao je poraz lidera DS, Borisa Tadića na predsedničkim izborima. Pobeda Tomislava Nikolića, predsednika Srpske napredne stranke, na predsedničkim izborima otvorila je promene u odnosima parlamentarnih stranaka i formiranje novih političkih saveza. SNS je pobednik opštih izbora: porazili su Srpsku radikalnu stranku tako što su joj preuzeli članstvo, funkcionere i biračko telo; njihov kandidat vršiće funkciju šefa države; formirali su Vladu i vrše vlast u većini jedinica lokalne samouprave. Lider DS B.Tadić najveći je gubitnik opštih izbora: posle višegodišnje dominacije na političkoj sceni on je izgubio mesto predsednika Republike, a demokrate su opozicija u parlamentu. Taj poraz B.Tadića koštao je i mesta lidera stranke. Preokret u formiranje vlasti omogućila je koalicija okupljena oko socijalista. Osvojivši oko 80% glasova više nego na prethodnim izborima, socijalisti su napustili doskorašnjeg 'strateškog partnera' i omogućili izborni preokret. Transformisani radikali i socijalisti, politički partneri iz 90-tih, posle dvanaest godina, ponovo su na vlasti. Politika koju će voditi pokazaće da li su u pravu skeptici koji tvrde da se radi o restauraciji starog režima i politike ili jačanju konsolidacije
dc.publisherInstitut za političke studije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179009/RS//
dc.sourceSrpska politička misao
dc.subjectelection resultsen
dc.subjectelections turnouten
dc.subjectpolitical consequencesen
dc.subjectrezultati izborasr
dc.subjectpolitičke posledicesr
dc.titleParliamentary elections in Serbia 2012: Results and political consequencesen
dc.titleParlamentarni izbori u Srbiji 2012. godine - rezultati i političke posledicesr
dc.citation.other(4): 11-32



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