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Društveni aspekti harmonizacije medijskih zakona Republike Srbije sa evropskom standardima

dc.creatorVeljanovski, Rade
dc.creatorSurčulija, Jelena
dc.description.abstractThe transformation of Serbian media system, as social subsystem, has started in the first years of this century as part of the overall transition. The main process was change of legal framework that was supposed to bring discontinuity from previous periods and the implementation of experiences and principles that are seen as democratic standards. The modification of media legislation in Serbia was supposed to adjust the democratic capacities of public sphere, as citizen's sphere, to insure the guarantee the freedom of expression and free flow of information as well as to enable the higher participation of citizens in public debate while at the same time diminish unwanted influences by political, economic and other centers of power. This article deals with theoretical analysis of documents that regulate media in Serbia, comparing articles on certain issues with European regulatory framework. It shows the overall social ambience in which changes happen and than influence the behavior of political acters as well as institutions responsible for legal initiative, but also to the law enforcement in such an important social area - media.en
dc.description.abstractTransformacija medijskog sistema Srbije, kao društvenog podsistema, započela je prvih godina ovog veka kao deo ukupne tranzicije. Suštinski proces tog preobražaja je izmena zakonske regulative, koja je trebalo da donese diskontinuitet sa prethodnim periodima i implementaciju onih iskustava i principa koji se smatraju standardima demokratskog sveta. Izmene medijske regulative Srbije, trebalo je da povećaju demokratske kapacitete javne sfere kao sfere građana, da obezbede garancije slobodi izražavanja i slobodnom protoku informacija, da omoguće veću participativnost građana u javnoj debati, a smanje uticaje političkih, ekonomskih i drugih centara moći. Ovaj rad se bavi teorijskom, sociološki utemeljenom analizom pravnih dokumenata kojima je u Srbiji regulisana oblast medija, komparirajući odredbe o pojednim pitanjima sa evropskim regulatornim okvirom. Rad ukazuje i na ukupan društveni ambijent u kome se promene događaju i na ponašanje političkih aktera i institucija sistema koji imaju odgovornost za zakonodavnu inicijativu, ali i za praktično sprovođenje zakona u jednoj važnoj društvenoj oblasti.sr
dc.publisherSociološko društvo Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179076/RS//
dc.sourceSociološki pregled
dc.subjectmass mediaen
dc.subjectmedia lawen
dc.subjectEuropean standarden
dc.subjectpublic sphereen
dc.subjectmasovni medijisr
dc.subjectmedijski zakonisr
dc.subjectevropski standardisr
dc.subjectjavna sferasr
dc.titleSocial aspects of harmonization of media laws in the Republic of Serbia with the European standardsen
dc.titleDruštveni aspekti harmonizacije medijskih zakona Republike Srbije sa evropskom standardimasr
dc.citation.other48(2): 259-285



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