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Socijalno-ekonomski aspekti mentalnog zdravlja mladih u Beogradu u kontekstu strateške kulture

dc.creatorStojimirović, Maja
dc.creatorVeljković, Jasna J.
dc.description.abstractMental health of people is an important individual and social resource, especially in the modern Serbian society, which has problems with demography. Without full mental health, a person is not aware of himself and his abilities, and he cannot develop to his full capacity. Therefore, a person cannot contribute to his own well-being, and also be a productive member of the social community. It is the basis of well-being, both for individuals and a healthy society, as well as one of the sources of strategic culture. The existence of awareness of the mental health problems of the nation, especially the young population, is a segment of strategic culture. There are many factors that affect mental health, and the three main ones are biological, psychological and social factors. Only if we take into account the interaction of these three factors we can talk about mental disorder as a phenomenon. Our goal is to gain the insight into those social, sociological, economic and psychological factors that can produce negative consequences for mental health, in this case the occurrence and development of neurotic disorders in the population of young people in Belgrade. This paper presents the data from the study conducted in 2013, which dealt with socio-economic aspects of neurotic disorder in the youth population in Belgrade. The general goal of the research is to determine which economic and (or) social factors can influence the occurrence of neurotic disorders to these young people. The findings of the research indicate that young people who suffer from neurotic disorders are materially and psychologically dependent on their parents. In the families of the respondents, there is a strong psychological mutual connection, especially in the relationship between the respondent and their mothers. When it comes to family members, the mother is the mainstay of financial, moral and counseling support for the respondents. Psychological dependence on emotional objects of security is one of the important features of neurotic disorder, and in our country it represents a typical pattern of behavior, a culture-based relationship between parents and children.en
dc.description.abstractMentalno zdravlje ljudi je važan individualni i društveni resurs, pogotovo u savremenom srpskom društvu koje ima velikih problema sa demografijom. Bez punog mentalnog zdravlja osoba nije svesna sebe i svojih sposobnosti, te se ne može razviti do svojih punih kapaciteta. Samim tim, ne može doprineti sopstvenom boljitku, ni biti produktivan deo društvene i socijalne zajednice. Mentalno zdravlje je osnova blagostanja, kako za pojedince, tako i za zdravo društvo i predstavlja jedno od izvorišta strateške kulture. Postojanje svesti o problemima mentalnog zdravlja nacije, posebno mlade populacije, predstavlja primarni segment strateške kulture. Mnogo je činilaca koji utiču na mentalno zdravlje, a tri osnovna koja su međusobno isprepletana i uslovljena su: biološki, psihološki i socijalni činioci. Tek ako se uzme u obzir njihovo međudejstvo može se govoriti o mentalnom poremećaju kao fenomenu u svom totalitetu. Fokus ovog rada biće na jednoj od spomenutih perspektiva u proučavanju ove pojave. Cilj je sticanje uvida u one socijalne, sociološke, ekonomske ali i psihološke činioce koji mogu proizvesti negativne posledice na mentalno zdravlje, u ovom slučaju na pojavu i razvoj neurotičnih poremećaja u populaciji mladih ljudi u Beogradu. Biće predstavljeni i podaci istraživanja sprovedenog 2013. godine, koje se bavilo socio-ekonomskim aspektima neurotičnog poremećaja mladih u našoj prestonici. Opšti cilj bio je da se utvrdi koji ekonomski i (ili) socijalni činioci mogu uticati na pojavu ovog neurotičnog poremećaja. Nalazi istraživanja ukazali su na to da su mladi koji pate od ovog poremećaja materijalno i psihološki zavisni od svojih roditelja. U porodicama ispitanika prisutna je jaka psihološka uzajamna vezanost, naročito na relaciji ispitanik-majka. Od svih članova porodice majka je ispitanicima glavni oslonac finansijske, moralne i savetodavne podrške. Psihološka zavisnost od emocionalnih objekata sigurnosti je jedna od važnih odlika neurotičnog poremećaja, a u našoj zemlji predstavlja tipičan obrazac ponašanja, kulturom utemeljen odnos između roditelja i
dc.publisherMinistarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd
dc.sourceVojno delo
dc.subjectstrategic cultureen
dc.subjectneurotic disorderen
dc.subjectsocial factorsen
dc.subjecteconomic factorsen
dc.subjectstrateška kulturasr
dc.subjectneurotični poremećajsr
dc.subjectsocijalni faktorisr
dc.subjectekonomski faktorisr
dc.titleSocio-economic aspects of the youth mental health in Belgrade in the context of strategic cultureen
dc.titleSocijalno-ekonomski aspekti mentalnog zdravlja mladih u Beogradu u kontekstu strateške kulturesr
dc.citation.other72(4): 263-287

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