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Relationalism and changes in international relations: an example of the influence of algorithmic power on the structure of everyday life and the emergence of national populism

dc.creatorVukelić, Miloš
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je da ukaže na prostor izučavanja fenomena nacionalnog populizma iz perspektive nauke o međunarodnim odnosima i da pruži doprinos u vidu interpretacije zašto je do pojave nacionalnog populizma u Evropskoj uniji (EU) i SAD došlo nakon 2014. godine. Pojavom nacionalnog populizma u SAD i zemljama EU uzdrman je opstanak liberalno-demokratskog paradoksa. Postoji veliki broj naučnih objašnjenja koja pretenduju da razumeju kako je do ovoga došlo, a ta objašnjenja autor svodi na kulturne, ekonomske i političke argumente, kao i argumente ljudske prirode i dugoročne logike modernizma. Međutim, ostavljen je prostor da se odgovori zašto je do pojave nacionalnog populizma došlo baš 2014. godine i to istovremeno u državama EU i SAD. Autor iz relacionističke perspektive nauke o međunarodnim odnosima tvrdi da je do promene na međunarodnom planu došlo zbog delovanja procesa koji oblikuju ljudsku svakodnevicu. Potvrda ovakve teze zahteva interdisciplinarni pregled postojeće literature relacionizma u međunarodnim odnosima, svakodnevnog nacionalizma, potom literature koja se bavi uticajima algoritamske moći na strukturu ljudskog prisustva na internetu, i postojećih radova koji ukazuju na to da je izvor snage nacionalnog populizma, kako umerenog tako i ekstremnog, upravo svakodnevno prisustvo na internetu. Dokazivanjem teze, autor ukazuje na značaj izučavanja procesa kako bi se razumeli događaji i promena u međunarodnim odnosima nakon 2014. godine.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper points out that there is a way to comprehend the phenomenon of national populism from the perspective of the international relations discipline. Additionally, to provide an interpretation of why national populism occurred in the United States and the European Union after 2014. The emergence of national populism in the United States and the European Union countries has endangered the survival of the liberal-democratic paradox. There are numerous scientific explanations attempting to explain how this phenomenon came about. In this paper, I will reduce these explanations to cultural, economic, and political arguments and arguments about human nature and the long-term logic of modernity. The author argues that these explanations have a research gap since there is no answer to why national populism occurred in 2014 simultaneously in the EU and the United States. As a set of tools in the international relations discipline, the author finds that relationalism provides us with lenses that can open up a space to claim that the simultaneous change, embodied in the emergence of national populism, occurred due to a change in the structure of the everyday. Therefore, the paper consists of an interdisciplinary literature review of relationalism in international relations, everyday nationalism, the influence of algorithmic power and algorithmic politics on the structure of human internet presence, and the existing works that indicate the source of national populism’s emergence. By proving the claims, the author points out the importance of studying processes in order to understand the events and changes in international relations that have occurred since 2014sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredusr
dc.sourceMeđunarodni problemisr
dc.subjectmeđunarodni odnosisr
dc.subjectsvakodnevni nacionalizamsr
dc.subjectalgoritamska politikasr
dc.subjectalgoritamska moćsr
dc.subjectnacionalni populizamsr
dc.subjectliberalno-demokratski paradokssr
dc.subjectinternational relationssr
dc.subjecteveryday nationalismsr
dc.subjectalgorithmic politicssr
dc.subjectalgorithmic powersr
dc.subjectnational populismsr
dc.subjectliberal-democratic paradoxsr
dc.titleRelacionizam i promena u međunarodnim odnosima: primer uticaja algoritamske moći na strukturu svakodnevice i pojavu nacionalnog populizmasr
dc.titleRelationalism and changes in international relations: an example of the influence of algorithmic power on the structure of everyday life and the emergence of national populismsr
dc.rights.holderInstitut za međunarodnu politiku i privredusr



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