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Dozvoljenost ograničenja slobode izražavanja u skladu sa evropskim instrumentima i medijskim zakonodavstvom Republike Srbije

dc.contributor.advisorŽivković, Miloš D.
dc.contributor.otherVeljanovski, Rade
dc.contributor.otherKrstić, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherPopović, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherMarinković, Tanasije
dc.creatorSurčulija-Milojević, Jelena
dc.description.abstractThe doctoral thesis deals with the permissibility of restrictions on freedom of expression according to the Council of Europe and European Union standards, the European Court of Human Rights case law, media legislation of the Republic of Serbia, domestic court practice, secondary legislation and measures enforced by the Regulator for electronic media as well as the Code of Journalists and measures that are imposed by the Press Council, as self-regulatory body. The first part of the thesis deals with defining freedom of expression. It is analysed from the historical point of view, through international and regional organisations and within the media legislation of the Republic of Serbia. The sources of media law and its hierarchy are explained in detail. The second part of the dissertation deals with general restrictions of freedom of expression, in line with the European Court of Human Rights decisions. The restriction is considered to be permissible when it is prescribed by law, when it is for a legitimate aim and when it is necessary in a democratic society. The criteria “margin of appreciation” is looked at in detail, as it helps the ECtHR judge the level of independence that a state should be given in evaluating the permissibility of the restriction. The third part of the dissertation focuses on the restrictions of freedom of expression to protect rights of others.en
dc.description.abstractDoktorska disertacija se bavi pitanjem dozvoljenosti ograničenja slobode izražavanja u okviru Saveta Evrope, Evropskog suda za ljudska prava, Evropske unije, medijskog zakonodavstva Republike Srbije, domaće sudske prakse, podzakonskih akata Republičke agencije za elektronske medije i mera koje sprovodi kao i u okviru Kodeksa novinara Srbije i mera koje izriče Savet za štampu kao samoregulatorno telo. U prvom delu teze, sloboda izražavanja se definiše sa istorijskog stanovišta, kroz međunarodne i regionalne organizacijei u okviru medijskog zakonodavstva Republike Srbije. Detaljno je objašnjena hijerarhija izvora medijskog prava u Republici Srbiji. U drugom delu disertacije, predmet istraživanja su opšta ograničenja slobode izražavanja, oivičena praksom Evropskog suda za ljudska prava. Ograničenje se smatra dozvoljenim kada je propisano zakonom, kada postoji opravdan cilj i kada je organičenje neophodno u demokratskom društvu. Razmatra se i kriterijum „polje slobodne procene“ koji pomaže ESLjP prilikom procene nivoa samostalnosti države u oceni opravdanosti ograničenja.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
dc.subjectFreedom of Expressionen
dc.subjectRestriction to Freedom of Expressionen
dc.subject“Hate speech”en
dc.subjectProtection of minorsen
dc.subjectEuropean Court of Human Rightsen
dc.subjectRepublican Agency for Electronic Mediaen
dc.subjectPress Councilen
dc.subjectsloboda izražavanjasr
dc.subjectograničenje slobode izražavanjasr
dc.subjectgovor mržnjesr
dc.subjectzaštita maloletnikasr
dc.subjectautorsko i srodna pravasr
dc.subjectEvropski sud za ljudska pravasr
dc.subjectRepublička agencija za elektronske medijesr
dc.subjectSavet za štampusr
dc.titlePermissible restrictions on freedom of expression in conformity with European law and regulation and media legislation of the Republic of Serbiaen
dc.titleDozvoljenost ograničenja slobode izražavanja u skladu sa evropskim instrumentima i medijskim zakonodavstvom Republike Srbijesr



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