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Harmonization of Media Legislation of Serbia with the European Regulatory Framework

dc.creatorSurčulija-Milojević, Jelena
dc.description.abstractRad predstavlja presek decenijskog napora na usaglašavanju medijskog zakonodavstva Republike Srbije sa Evropskim regulatornim okvirom. Taj proces je ovom prilikom podeljen u tri faze – prva koja je nastala odmah nakon 5.oktobra 2000. godine kada su u prvim godinama izrađeni svi zakoni, druga koja je počela osnivanjem regulatornih tela nadležnih za radio-difuziju i telekomunikacije 2005. godine i poslednja, treća, usaglašavanjem sa najnovijim regulatornim okvirom Evropske Unije za audiovizuelne medije, koji je još uvek u toku, tj elektronskim komunikacijama, koji je zakonski završen. Rad pokazuje i poteškoće sa kojima se Republika Srbija suočavala u ovom periodu – od samog procesa izrade zakona, preko njihovih usvajanja, do primene koja je često kasnila i po nekoliko godina a u slučaju na primer izlaska države iz vlasništva medija – i pored nekoliko odlaganja rokova – do danas nije završena. Paralelno sa predstavljanjem razvoja medijskog zakonodavstva u Srbiji, priloženi su izvodi iz Izveštaja o napretku Evropske Komisije koji su predstavljali realan pokazatelj brzine i kvaliteta napretka Republike Srbije ka Evropskoj Uniji u oblasti medijskog prava.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Article presents one decade of hard work on harmonization of Serbian media legislation with the EU regulatory framework. That process is for this occasion divided into three phases: First, that has started immediately after 5th October 2000 when the new media laws were adopted in the following years; Second, that has started with the establishment of the regulatory authorities in 2005; and the final, third and still ongoing, phase that has started in 2010 with the adoption of the Law on electronic communications in line with EU regulatory framework 2002 and partially with 2009 and parallel work on harmonization with media legislation with Audiovisual Media Service Directive. Furthermore, the Article explains the main obstacles that the Republic of Serbia has faced in this decade – from the initial process of drafting the laws, through their adoption and later implementation. The implementation has often been late for several years, and in some cases, like privatization of media owned by the state or local authorities, has not been completed yet. In parallel with the presentation of the development of media legislation in Serbia, the parts of the European Commission Progress Reports show realistic speed and quality of the Republic of Serbia path towards the European Union in the area of media law.sr
dc.publisherFakultet političkih nauka : Beogradsr
dc.publisherČigoja : Beogradsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179076/RS//sr
dc.sourceVerodostojnost medija - Dometi medijske tranzicijesr
dc.subjectmedia legislationsr
dc.subjectEuropean integrationsr
dc.subjectEuropean Unionsr
dc.subjectregulatory authoritysr
dc.subjectpublic informationsr
dc.subjectmedijsko pravosr
dc.subjectmedijsko zakonodavstvosr
dc.subjectEvropska unijasr
dc.subjectEvropske integracijesr
dc.subjectregulatorno telosr
dc.subjectjavno informisanjesr
dc.titleUsaglašavanje medijskog zakonodavstva Srbije sa evropskim regulatornim okviromsr
dc.titleHarmonization of Media Legislation of Serbia with the European Regulatory Frameworksr



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