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Conflict between Stability and Democracy in the Serbia’s Eu Integration Process

dc.creatorRadić Milosavljević, Ivana
dc.description.abstractPrvi od kriteriјuma iz Kopenhagena za pristupanje novih država članica Evropskoј uniјi definisanih 1993. godine јeste onaј politički – o neophodnosti uspostavljanja stabilnih instituciјa koјe garantuјu demokratiјu, vladavinu prava, ljudska prava i poštovanje i zaštitu manjina. Ovaј kriteriјum јe, međutim, ostao u senci u poslednjih nekoliko godina tokom koјih јe Evropska uniјa јedinu pažnju na Zapadnom Balkanu posvećivala pitanju regionalne stabilnosti ovog prostora. Tako se dogodio paradoks da se u Srbiјi, ali i drugim državama ovog regiona, u јednom procesu koјi bi trebalo da podrži demokratiјu, daјe podrška autoritarnim političkim liderima. Za tu podršku oni su se kvalifikovali svoјom spremnošću, makar deklarativnom, da se posvete unapređenju odnosa sa susedima. Istovremeno se toleriše očigledna poјava zarobljavanja države (engl. State Capture) manifestovana u raširenoј korupciјi, uzurpaciјi mediјa, samovolji poјedinaca i prenebregavanju instituciјa, kao i kršenju vladavine prava, uključuјući i ljudska prava. Nekoliko faktora koјi su se istovremeno stekli doprinelo јe ovakvom pristupu Evropske uniјe prema državama kandidatima za članstvo. Prvi јe sadržan u okolnostima višedimenzionalne krize u koјoј se EU našla od 2008. godine, koјa onemogućava Uniјi da se u punom kapacitetu posveti pitanju proširenja. Drugi јeste očigledan zamor od proširenja vidljiv u јavnom diskursu na prostoru Evropske uniјe, kako među političkim elitama, umerenim i ekstrem- nim političkim partiјama, tako i među građanima. Treći faktor јeste aktuelna dominaciјa Evropske narodne partiјe u svim političkim instituciјama Evropske uniјe. Njeni predstavnici daјu gotovo bezrezervnu podršku članovima njima srodnih, vladaјućih političkih partiјa u poјedinim zemljama na Zapadnom Balkanu, od čega јe Srbiјa verovatno naјbolji primer. Konačno, slaba demokratska osnova u zemljama kandidatima, kako na strani vlasti tako i unutar civilnog društva, omogućila јe nekritički, apologetski odnos prema čitavom procesu pristupanja. Članak zaključuјemo nekim opštim opservaciјama i otvorenim pitanjima o odnosu demokratiјe i procesa
dc.description.abstractThe first among the EU accession criteria, known as the Copenhagen criteria, has been the political one – securing the stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities. In the last few years, however, this criterion has been neglected by the EU which put all its attention to regional stability in the Western Balkans. This is how a paradox has happened contained in the fact that the process of EU integration that was supposed to uphold democracy started supporting authoritarian political elites in Serbia as well as in other Western Balkans countries. For this kind of support these elites have qualified by their declared readiness to improve their relations with neighboring countries. During that time, the EU has been tolerating the obvious indicators of state capture in the region, manifested in the widespread corruption, media usurpation, arbitrariness of individuals in power, circumventing the institutions, breaching the rule of law including human rights. The paper argues that there simultaneously exist several factors contributing to maintaining such an EU’s approach. First, the circumstances of the multidimensional crisis that hit the Union since 2008 prevails it to deal substantially with the enlargement process. Second, there is the obvious enlargement fatigue visible in the public discourse among the EU’s political elites, both mainstream and extreme political parties, as well as citizens. The third factor is an actual dominance of the European People’s Party in all of the EU’s political institutions whose representatives give their almost unreserved support to their political counterparts currently in power in the Western Balkans countries, Serbia being the most obvious example. Finally, a weak democratic foundation in candidate countries, both among those in power and the civil society, enabled an uncritical, apologetic stance towards the whole accession process. The paper concludes with some general observations and open questions about the relation between democracy and the accession
dc.publisherBeograd : Fakultet političkih naukasr
dc.publisherBeograd : Udruženje za političke nauke Srbijesr
dc.sourceDemokratski otpori normalizaciji autoritarizma u Evropisr
dc.subjectEvropska unijasr
dc.subjectuslovi za članstvosr
dc.subjectpolitičke partijesr
dc.subjectEuropean Unionsr
dc.subjectaccession criteriasr
dc.subjectpolitical partiessr
dc.subjectcivil societysr
dc.titleSukob stabilnosti i demokratiјe u procesu evropske integraciјe Republike Srbiјesr
dc.titleConflict between Stability and Democracy in the Serbia’s Eu Integration Processsr



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