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Prilog ocenama političke i vojne misli Dimitrija Tucovića

dc.creatorSimeunović, Dragan M.
dc.description.abstractIn our time of dis-ideologization of science it is necessary to make new appraisals of works of our outstanding thinkers and political workers, so that they will be made free from past political veils with which they have been covered. A good example for this are the works of Dimitrije Tucović, who was for a long time branded a 'sympathizer of the Albanian national demands' and 'critic of the Serbian imperialism', 'pacifist against any war', and the like. This article contains new information on his views on the following subjects: war and peace; pacifism; serving the military term; avoidance of military obligation; patriotism; relations between the Army and civilian population in war; military and political interests of great powers in the Balkans and their 'special treatment' of Serbia; 'loan interest slavery' of small nations; right of small nations to survival; necessity for reconciliations in the Balkans; relations with neighboring countries; reaffirmation of the national question; traditionally wrong and unjust treatment of the Balkan nations on the part of the European diplomacy; and strategy of struggle of endangered and/or enslaved nations for the attainment of independence and freedom. The worked out scientific analysis imposes the author's assessment on the actualness of Dimitrije Tucović's thought, particularly because the present geopolitical position of our country and the present international situation are similar to those of his time.en
dc.description.abstractU vreme dezideologizacije nauke neophodne su nove ocene dela naših značajnih mislilaca i političkih delatnika kako bi se sa njih skinule koprene ocene nekadašnje dnevne politike. Dobar primer za to je delo Dimitrija Tucovića, koji je dugo bio 'simpatizer albanskih nacionalnih zahteva' i 'kritičar srpskog imperijalizma', 'pacifista protiv svakog rata', i slično. Međutim, kada se u potpunosti iščita njegovo celokupno delo i prateća građa nameću se sasvim drugačiji zaključci, U radu su sadržana nova saznanja o njegovim stavovima o ratu i miru, pacifizmu i služenju vojnog roka, izbegavanju vojne obaveze, patriotizmu, o odnosu vojske prema civilnom stanovništvu u ratu, o vojnim i političkim interesima velikih sila na Balkanu i njihovom 'specijalnom odnosu' prema Srbiji, o 'kamatnom ropstvu' malih naroda, o pravu malih naroda na opstanak, o nužnosti balkanskih izmirenja i odnosa sa susedima, o afirmisanju nacionalnog pitanja, o tradiciji lošeg odnošenja evropske diplomatije prema narodima Balkana i strategiji borbe ugroženih i porobljenih naroda. Obavljena naučna analiza nameće autorov sud o aktuelnosti misli Dimitrija Tucovića, koji uslovljavaju sadašnji isti geopolitički položaj i slična međunarodnopolitička situacija sa onom iz njegovog
dc.publisherMinistarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd
dc.sourceVojno delo
dc.titleA contribution to assessments of political thought of Dimitrije Tucovićen
dc.titlePrilog ocenama političke i vojne misli Dimitrija Tucovićasr
dc.citation.other48(3): 135-145

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