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Uticaj ličnih i sredinskih faktora na mlade u procesu pripreme za napuštanje alternativnog staranja

dc.contributor.advisorŽegarac, Nevenka
dc.contributor.otherDžamonja-Ignjatović, Tamara
dc.contributor.otherMihić, Ivana
dc.creatorBurgund, Anita
dc.description.abstractYoung people who are preparing to leave alternative care to independence face numerous challenges. However, number of young people in spite of numerous challenges were able to build up strenghts, these young people are employed and achieve stable living arangements. The aim of the research is to analyze the connection between personal and environmental factors of young people leaving alternative care and their readiness for emancipation in order to determine the necessary support during the process of preparation for leaving alternative care. The study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The quantitative part of the study includes, in addition to basic biographical and socio-demographic data, an assessment of the factors contributing to leaving alternative care for young people and who are related to success in education, aspiration, taking care of themselves and their own health, skills and support networks, the experience of his readiness for independence and the perception of the future. Data were collected from questionnaire about the factors that contribute to the leaving alternative care and protocols for collecting data on young people from the system of alternative care. Scales of self-efficacy and resilience were used to measure the influence of these variables on the assessment of the readiness factors for leaving altrnative care...en
dc.description.abstractMladi koji se spremaju da napuste alternativno staranje radi osamostaljivanja suočavaju se sa brojnim izazovima. Ipak, kod jednog broja mladih i pored brojnih izazova uspevaju da prevladaju snage, ovi mladi se zapošljavaju i ostvaruju stabilne životne anražmane. Cilj istraživanja je analiza povezanosti ličnih i sredinskih faktora mladih koji napuštaju alternativno staranje i njihove spremnosti za osamostaljivanje radi određivanja potrebne podrške tokom procesa pripreme za napuštanje alternativnog staranja. U istraživanju se koristi kombinacija kvantitativne i kvalitativne metodologije. Kvantitativni deo istraživanja obuhvata, pored osnovnih biografskih i socio-demografskih podataka, procenu faktora koji doprinose napuštanju alternativnog staranja za mlade a koji se odnose na uspeh u školovanju, aspiracje mladih, staranje o sebi i svom zdravlju, veštine i mreže podrške, doživljaj spemnosti za osamostaljivanje i percepciju budućnosti. Podaci su prikupljani upitnikom o faktorima koji doprinose napuštanju alternativnog staranja i protokolom za prikupljanje podataka o mladima iz sistema alternativnog staranja. Skalama samoefikasnosti i rezilijentnosti ispitivan je uticaj ovih varijabli na procenu faktora spremnosti za napuštanje altrnativnog staranja...sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet političkih nauka
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47011/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47021/RS//
dc.subjectyoung people an alternative to agingen
dc.subjectleaving the alternative careen
dc.subjectresilience of young people in alternative careen
dc.subjectmladi na alternativnom staranjusr
dc.subjectnapuštanje alternativnog staranjasr
dc.subjectrezilijentnost mladih na alternativnom staranjusr
dc.titleThe influence of personal and environmental factors on young people in the process of preparation for leaving the alternative careen
dc.titleUticaj ličnih i sredinskih faktora na mlade u procesu pripreme za napuštanje alternativnog staranjasr



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