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Lord’s transfiguration - An attempt at understanding the feast of the transfiguration and Phenomenon of the light of tabor

dc.creatorKinđić, Zoran
dc.description.abstractOslanjajući se na Svete oce, autor se upušta u tumačenje praznika Preobraženja, svestan da čak i obožene osobe nisu u stanju da u potpunosti sagledaju duhovnu dimenziju ovog praznika. On ukazuje da je Preobraženje Gospodnje jedan od najznačajnijih događaja u Hristovom ovozemljskom životu. Na Tavoru se Gospod preobrazio, pokazavši Petru, Jakovu i Jovanu svoju božansku slavu, u meri u kojoj su oni moglu da je podnesu. On se pritom zapravo nije promenio, već su se preobrazili Njagovi učenici, kojima su otvorene duhovne oči, tako da su mogli da opaze sjaj netvarne svetlosti, tj. da delimično sagledaju ono što Hristos jeste. Pojam Tavorska svetlost uobličili su teolozi ne samo da bi protumačili tajnu nestvorene svetlosti kojom je zračio Gospod na Tavoru, nego i da bi opisali opitno iskustvo prosvetljenih i oboženih osoba. Taj pojam se takođe može koristiti kako za nestvorenu svetlost u raju tako i za onu u eshatološkom Carstvu nebeskom. Svest da je čovek duhovno slep sve dok nije u stanju da vidi nestvorenu svetlost, s jedne strane treba da obuzda one koji su preambiciozni, koji bi da budu duhovni učitelji, a s druge strane da u nama pobudi revnost za duhovniji način života, žudnju da se preobrazimo.sr
dc.description.abstractRelying on the Holy fathers, the author proceeds to interpret the feast of Tansfiguration, awere that even deified persons are not able to entirely perceive the spiritual dimension of this feast. The author indicates the Lord’s Transfiguration is one of the most significant events in Chist’s earthly life. The Lord transfigured himself on Mount Tabor, revealing His divine glory to Peter, James and John, in measure in which they could take it. At the same time, He actually did not change Himself but His disciples were the ones who were transfigured, their spiritual eyes opened so that they were able to percive the splendour of uncreated light, i. e. to percive partially what Christ is. The notion of the Tabor Light was shaped by the theologians, not only in order to interpret the mystery of the uncreated light that emanated from Christ on Mount Tabor, but also to describe the immediate experiance of enlightened and deified to denote both the uncreated light in heaven as well as the light in the eschatological Kingdom of Heaven. The awarenees of men’s spiritual blindness until he is capable of seeing the uncreated light should, on one hand, restrain thouse who are overly ambitious, who desire to be spiritual teachers, and, on the other hand, arouse in us a zeal for more spiritual life, a desire to be spiritially transfigured.sr
dc.publisherMeđunarodni centar za pravoslavne studije : Nišsr
dc.sourceCrkvene studijesr
dc.subjectSin Božijisr
dc.subjectTavorska svetlostsr
dc.subjectCarstvo Božijesr
dc.subjectpala ljudska prirodasr
dc.subjectSon of Godsr
dc.subjectTabor Lightsr
dc.subjectKingdom of Godsr
dc.subjectfallen human naturesr
dc.titlePreobraženje Gospodnje - Pokušaj razumevanja praznika Preobraženja i fenomena Tavorske svetlostisr
dc.titleLord’s transfiguration - An attempt at understanding the feast of the transfiguration and Phenomenon of the light of taborsr



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