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Postnovinarstvo u četvrtoj tehnološkoj revoluciji

dc.creatorKljajić, Veselin
dc.creatorKljajić, Milica
dc.description.abstractThis paper is considering essential changes which the new media brought to contemporary journalism, also called post journalism by certain authors. These changes are most visible in the following relations: information-source-journalist-journalism-reader/consumer. They are evident in all parts of the communication process and are related to the quality and independence of journalism, as well as its interpretability, analyticity and diversity. Despite expectations, the multi-screen society did not bring significant quality changes, the Serbian media and journalists did not find themselves in it (with rare tabloid profile exceptions), while trivial content has additionally increased the 'polluted' online domain already saturated with multitudes of information. An apparent authorship crisis, inability to find a tenable business model, continuation of impowerishment, a crisis of creative industry and a domination of swallowing the content instead of creating it, has additionally complicated the professional, ethical and sociological habitat. Authors are trying to establish a relation between the causes and the consequences of all these phenomena, offering solutions and emphasizing that increasing atomization, fragmentation and segmentation of the audience, narrowing of their interests and expansion of an antisocial mood could have far-reaching consequences. Not as much for the mass media as for the society itself and for the journalism that forms its integral part as one of the pillars of the civil democratic society - both globally and locally.en
dc.description.abstractOvaj rad razmatra suštinske promene koje su novi mediji doneli savremenom novinarstvu, koje neki autori već nazivaju i postžurnalizam. Te promene najvidljivije su u sferama odnosa: informacija - izvor - novinar - novinarstvo - čitalac/ konzument i evidentne su u svim delovima komunikacionog procesa, te se tiču kako kvaliteta i nezavisnosti novinarstva, tako i njegove interpretativnosti, analitičnosti i raznovrsnosti. Multiekransko društvo međutim, nasuprot očekivanjima nije donelo značajne kvalitativne promene, srpski mediji i novinari se u tome nisu najbolje snašli (uz retke izuzetke dominantno tabloidnog profila), a trivijalni sadržaji dodatno su povećali ionako 'zagađenu' i, preobiljem informacija, zasićenu medijsku pogotovo onlajn scenu. Očigledna kriza autorstva, neiznalaženje održivog poslovnog modela, kontinuirano osiromašenje, kriza kreativne industrije i dominacija obrade umesto kreiranja sadržaja - dodatno su zakomplikovali profesionalni, etički, ali i sociološki i demokratski habitus u njihovom izvornom značenju. Autori pokušavaju da uspostave odnos između uzroka i posledica svih ovih fenomena nudeći rešenja, ali i ističući da narastajuća atomizacija, fragmentacija, segmentacija publike, sužavanje njenog interesovanja i širenje antisocijalnog raspoloženja mogu imati dalekosežne posledice. Ne toliko po masovne medije koliko po samo društvo i novinarstvo kao njegov integralni deo i jedan od stubova građanskog demokratskog poretka. Kako na globalnom, tako pogotovo na lokalnom
dc.publisherZavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179076/RS//
dc.subjectmedia platformsen
dc.subjectnew mediaen
dc.subjectmedijske platformesr
dc.subjectnovi medijisr
dc.titlePost journalism in the fourth technological revolutionen
dc.titlePostnovinarstvo u četvrtoj tehnološkoj revolucijisr
dc.citation.other(145): 105-122

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