Now showing items 37-56 of 56

      The changing role of the professional communicators in the information society [1]
      The Common commercial policy of the European Union [1]
      The European Union in the politicization process [1]
      The European Union institutions in the electronic media in Serbia [1]
      The influence of personal and environmental factors on young people in the process of preparation for leaving the alternative care [1]
      The influence of tradition on forming the pattern of corruptive behaviour in Serbia [1]
      The object and nature of patriotic allegiance in plural societies. [1]
      The problem of constitution of the body politic in democratic theories [1]
      The role of political elites in the process of identity reconstruction: the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina [1]
      The role of the Orthodox churches in the democratization processes in Greece, Serbia and Russia [1]
      The significance of logical positivism for development of political philosophy [1]
      Uloga političkih elita u procesu rekonstrukcije nacionalnih identiteta: slučaj Bosne i Hercegovine [1]
      Uloga pravoslavnih crkava u procesima demokratizacije u Grčkoj, Srbiji i Rusiji [1]
      Uspostavljanje i održivost procesa deinstitucionalizacije i razvoja usluga u zajednici za osobe sa intelektuanim i mentalnim teškoćama u Srbiji [1]
      Uticaj kvaliteta institucija na privredni razvoj i efekte privatizacije u Srbiji [1]
      Uticaj ličnih i sredinskih faktora na mlade u procesu pripreme za napuštanje alternativnog staranja [1]
      Uticaj tradicije na formiranje koruptivnog obrasca ponašanja u Srbiji [1]
      Yugoslav socialist feminism in relation to contemporary theories that emerged at the intersection of gender and class issues [1]
      Zajednička trgovinska politika Evropske unije [1]
      Značaj logičkog pozitivizma za razvoj političke filozofije [1]