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Institucije Evropske unije u elektronskim medijima u Srbiji

dc.contributor.advisorStojković, Branimir
dc.contributor.otherVeljanovski, Rade
dc.contributor.otherValić-Nedeljković, Dubravka
dc.contributor.otherKovačević, Bojan
dc.creatorKrstić, Aleksandra
dc.description.abstractThe dissertation analyzes the relationship between communication activities of the European Union institutions and electronic media in Serbia regarding the EU topics. The research object is the EU (European) topic reported in the main newscasts of national and local or regional radio and TV stations and daily news of web portals in Serbia on one side, and in audiovisual services of the EU political institutions, on the other. Starting from the theoretical concept of media logic and the meditatization of politics, the author explores mediatized political communication of the EU institutions, achieved through their audiovisual services from technical, organizational and editorial aspects. Empirically researching the visibility of the EU topics and the ways they have been reported in the EU audiovisual services and Serbian electronic media, the aim of this dissertation is to explain if and why there has been a gap between the EU ТЧstТtutТШЧs’ МШЦЦuЧТМКtТШЧ КМtТvТtТОs КЧН tСО EU rОpШrtТЧР ТЧ tСО electronic media in Serbia. For that purpose, content analysis of the EU topics in three EU audiovisual services and thirty one electronic media in Serbia has been conducted, as well as indepth interviews with editors and editors-in-chief of the audiovisual services in the EU institutions. The EU institutions are analyzed not only as relevant sources of information in the media reporting or political institutions whose main task is to create legislative system and various policies in the EU, but primarily as creators of media content. Considering this framework, the author analyzes the way communication activities of the EU institutions have been mediatized, as well as the effects such practice, regarding the media content production and distribution, might have on the EU topТМs’ vТsТЛТХТtв ТЧ the Serbian electronic media. The main argument of the dissertation is that the European Union, through audiovisual services of the EU Commission, the European Council-Council of the EU and the EU Parliament, does not manage to impose the EU topics in the Serbian electronic media, because both the audiovisual content and the form of its distribution differ from the dominant EU reporting practices in the Serbian electronic media. Applying institutional argumentation, the dissertation explains how and why the production and distribution of EU topics in sampled media in Serbia and in the EU ТЧstТtutТШЧs’ КuНТШvТsuКХ sОrvТМОs СКvО ЛООЧ prТЦКrТХв ТЧПХuОЧМОН Лв tСОТr ТЧstТtutТШЧКХ frameworks. Set on the basis of defined object and aims of the research, proposed hypotheses and the model of arguments, the relevant theoretical framework has been discussed. In broader sense, the theoretical part of the dissertation looks into the relations between media and politics, and more concretely it analyzes the mediatization of politics and its ЦШst ТЦpШrtКЧt pКrКНТРЦs КЧН МШЧМОpts. TСОШrОtТМКХ МШЧМОpts ШП ЦОНТК sвstОЦs’ ЦШНОХs and journalistic cultures have been also presented. Once the methodological approach has been established, the communication activities of the EU and its main institutions have been presented, as well as the relevant scholarly findings regarding the EU reporting practices in the European media and the media in the Western Balkans region. The main characteristics of the broadcast market and media system in Serbia have also been portrayed. The research findings show that the media content produced by the EU audiovisual services has been deeply determined by political agendas of the EU institutions. Following political or institutional agendas, the services function according to certain rules and principles of the institutions they have been established by and financed from, mostly representing the work of EU officials and their everyday activities. More specifically, the EU topic in the EU Commission audiovisual service is perceived as the role of this institution in solving current issues, problems and challenges in the EU and its contribution to the development of cooperation in various social and economic aspects. For the audiovisual service of the EU Parliament, the EU topic is МШЧsТНОrОН Кs rОprОsОЧtКtТШЧ ШП tСО ЈКrХТКЦОЧt’ ЦКТЧ ЛШНТОs КЧН КМtТvТtТОs ШП tСО members of its committees, political groups and the president. The audiovisual service of the European Council-Council of the EU represent the EU topics regarding the role of this institution in decision-making processes that affect the EU member states, as well as the countries which are not members of the EU. Considering the editorial decision-making, the editors of the audiovisual services regularly communicate with higher authorities in each EU institution and that is why they cannot independently decide about the media content production, since their decisions are influenced by a certain institutional framework. Contrary to audiovisual services of the EU institutions, the EU topics in the Serbian electronic media have been rarely reported – less than 5 per cent in the overall newscasts of TV and radio stations and daily news of web portals. Regardless the differences between various types of electronic media, the EU topics are highly placed (agenda setting) in analyzed newscasts and columns, and often reported as the main news of the day. The EU topic is mainly politically and nationally filtered: it represents the role of Serbian political institutions and their officials in a certain event that has ЛООЧ ОvКХuКtОН Кs ТЦpШrtКЧt ПШr tСО МШuЧtrв’s prШРrОss tШаКrНs tСО EU. TСО EU institutions have been portrayed as mediators in the conflicts resolutions, decision makers that affect the country, or as sources of political and financial power that condition further process of the EU integration. Although the EU institutions have been widely used as sources of information, the attitudes of Serbian politicians prevail in the media reporting. The media agenda setting of the EU topics is based mostly on the organized events or press releases of the Serbian Government, and therefore processed in factual journalistic genres, lacking in-depth approach and critical journalistic attitudes. The research findings show that the audiovisual material produced within the EU services is rarely used in newscasts of radio and TV stations in Serbia, mostly for coverage of daily political events and by representing statements of the Prime Minister, Serbian and EU representatives in their meetings in Brussels. The author argues that the КЛsОЧМО ШП pХКМТЧР ХКrРОr EU КuНТШvТsuКХ sОrvТМОs’ МШЧtОЧt ТЧ tСО ЦКТЧ ЧОаsМКsts ШП radio and TV programs in Serbia has been directly influenced by the difference in supranational and national representation of the EU topics, which creates the differences in other important levels of both reporting practices. The dissertation also explains why the EU institutions, as sources of information, cannot dominantly influence the media coverage of the EU and the media content production in Serbian electronic media, as well as why the EU audiovisual services do not essentially impact the EU topics reported in the media in the country. In correlation with relevant scholarly findings and theoretical concepts, in respect of which the results are interpreted, the author concludes that the media logic influences the development of the EU communication activities, mostly the media content production of the audiovisual services of the EU institutions. However, in the representation, selection and coverage of the EU issues, the services follow institutional or political logic. Therefore, the mediatization of politics has been achieved only in the technical and organizational level of the media content production, in which audiovisual services share all characteristics of media production and distribution with broadcast media, but it has not been achieved in the most important level of the editorial decision-making process. According to the relevant theoretical framework and the main research findings, the author also concludes about the type of the journalistic culture which is dominant in the representation of EU topics and EU institutions in the electronic media in Serbiaen
dc.description.abstractU doktorskom radu se raѕmatra odnos komunikacionih aktivnosti institucija Evropske unije i elektronskih medija u Srbiji, u iѕveštavanju o EU
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet političkih nauka
dc.subjectEuropean Unionen
dc.subjectelectronic mediaen
dc.subjectaudiovisual servicesen
dc.subjectEU institutionsen
dc.subjectmedia logicen
dc.subjectpolitical logicen
dc.subjectmediatization of politicsen
dc.subjectEU topicsen
dc.subjectEvropska unijasr
dc.subjectaudioviѕuelni servisisr
dc.subjectelektronski medijisr
dc.subjectEU institucijesr
dc.subjectmedijska logikasr
dc.subjectpolitička logikasr
dc.subjectmedijatizacija politikesr
dc.subjectevropske temesr
dc.titleThe European Union institutions in the electronic media in Serbiaen
dc.titleInstitucije Evropske unije u elektronskim medijima u Srbijisr

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